Check in, With El Sammo in Huizhou China, Video and pics


Hello everyone! Hope you are all doing well and if not, do something about it right now. Go have some fun!




I am in a newly developed area of china call Huizhou, its towards the vietnam area and a nice place near the beach with mountains surrounding the bay. The local 7-11 stlyle chain store sells both german and belguim beers from a good working fridge so i have to say life is good.

sammo-china-beach sammo-china

Doing stunt bike shows every night sounded a bit hectic before i started but i have settled into the routine really easily, pretty much a fun session each night with a bunch of people watching.Worked out a good routine and cruising smoothly.




Its not a party area here like may other areas of china which has been a nice change! Spend a lot of time up in the local mountain on a dirtbike exploring the windy tracks and paths and go to the beach a lot.

mountain sammo-beer sammo-rice

Made a shady beer garden up on the roof of the building with a hammock for warm lazy afternoons.

Have a great day and do whatever makes you happy!

Cheers, Sammo

Check the video form the shows